
The green line is the actual track.. Kim & i rode down from sedona to fossil creek road. We met Tom there & rode the pink line up to strawberry. Kim had lost his plate, so we backtracked instead of doing the loop. So the upper loop is not what we took. That is all pavement.
We went back, & took a side trip (more green line) to the verde river at childs. Then we went back the same way to the fossil creek & 260 intersection.. we did find Kim's license plate!

I've been working on getting the pics to show correctly.. I think i finally figured it out!
Edited 11/16/06
2 drz's & a husky went on a ride today. Here are some pics:

Kim coming down fossil creek road:

Kim's license plate had vibrated off.. we came back a little slower (can Kim & i go any slower without falling?). We did find it.. about a mile before the starting point.
We had some company on the road..

This guy would not move.. i almost hit his butt with my handlebar on the way by.

the verde river, central az

You can cross here.. road goes to phoenix (eventually). This was the lowest elevation of the trip. It was about 2600', & we went up to about 5600' in Strawberry.

Up the hill, to strawberry

The road followed along fossil creek.. it was crystal clear with lots of rapids. They have a couple of hydroelectric plants that use this creek.. i think they're in the process of decomissing them. We passed a sign that read: "Road Closed Mon. through Fri.". But a guy in a pickup came down it, & told us they weren't working on it this week. And, being the wild west, arizona rebel cowboy types that we are, we ignored the sign & motored on up the hill.

Some nice switchbacks; long dropoffs! Even Tom didn't slide around these turns.

At the turn.. lunch!

Back the same way. The weather was great. The views were fantastic. The bikes ran. No one was injured. A good day.

The riders: Tom, Kim, Scotty:

Tom met us at the 260 & fossil creek road intersection. Kim & i rode from sedona to there along forest road 618 for about 25 miles. It was dusty, with some washboard roads.
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