Here's a ride Tom Burroughs & I did from June 1st to 4th, 2009.
We didn't have a lot of notice, & there weren't many rooms available. Kim decided not to go, & another friend had some health issues & canceled at the last minute. So it was Tom & I alone heading up for another annual ride to the grand canyon. Tom left Prescott early in the morning & met me in Sedona on Monday, June 1st, 2009. We rode up oak creek canyon & turned on fr 535 into the pines.

With all the rain we've had lately, i was afraid we'd be in for a lot of mud. But it was much drier than i thought it would be. We encountered a few wide puddles, & our bikes slid around in some of the muddy tracks, but no problems & we rode all the way to Park, after crossing the railroad tracks & the freeway.

The San Francisco peaks.. the view from the southwest. They would be a constant & familiar landmark as we circled completely around them.

After we filled our tanks in Park, we continued up a nice gravel road for about 10 miles. We then turned & made our way deeper into the pines, stopping to open & close cattle gates. We stopped for a short lunch, then got back on another graded road & up to the hwy 180 intersection.

We got on the Great Western Trail after crossing 180. It was an old stagecoach route from Flag to the grand canyon that ran in the 1800's.

I discovered that Tom's great great grandfather was a driver for the stage, & my great great grandfather built the Bright Angel Lodge. I happened to find an old photo of them on the stagecoach road.

We continued on the Great Western Trail until it intersected with the coconino rim road, then Grandview road, which runs into the Grand Canyon National Park (gcnp). We were in the park by 3 pm! It was an easy route with only about 10 miles of pavement once we got above Sedona.

Our destination: The Grand Canyon. I am still amazed & in awe whenever i see this sight. It may very well be the most magnificent of all the natural wonders of the world.

We had lots of time to stop at some of the overlooks, get into our room, & get out for a cold drink & dinner before dark.

At the end of a long day, it was nice to have a quiet room with the bikes parked outside.

End of Day 1.

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