We crossed the verde river at tuzugoot, went down sycamore pass road & started climbing.

We had a short staredown with this guy.. he was on the side of the road, but i didn't feel like passing until he gave way a bit more.
The riders: Me & Tom.

This was where we stopped for a hearty lunch..

Here's the road we wanted.. it's not on my citinav 2010 map, probably because it's closed to 4 wheel motorized vehicles.. that's right. 2 wheels are ok!

This is a really steep road.. loose rock, off camber.. sharp switchbacks.. lovely!

Tom had an electrical problem.. lost his headlight & blinkers.. so we decided we didn't have time to go up to williams this day. We'll go up in a week or so & test the climb. I'm planning on adding this to the grand canyon ride we do in early summer.. if it goes through, & it looks like it does.

Tom backtracked through sycamore pass road back to jerome & prescott, while i turned off before clarkdale & headed back toward sedona.
A very short ride, but fun & informative. Tom's new wr is great! His has the Fuel programmer, pipe & exhaust.. much more responsive than my stocker.
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