We met in Camp Verde & started down Fossil Springs road. Kim was taking it easy.. trying to get to know the new bike.. an '07 klx.. first time he's taken it on a real ride.
I didn't take a lot of stills, because i was also testing out my new helmet cam.. the contour hd. A small camcorder that writes to an 8g. card. It's pretty cool, & i'm real impressed with the picture quality I'll post a few i uploaded to youtube.
We didn't stop much.. nothing much to see or do along this road. ..just twist the throttle & head up the hill.
wr going up video.. 46 seconds
If you've got a fast computer &/or a good video card, you can watch it in High Definition.. let me know how it looks.. i only have my feeble netbook.

Kim on wr, Tom on klx, me on xrl vid. 2:32
I read that it takes the shadows to bright sun very well, & the colors are much brighter than my old one. Now if i can get a computer that can edit the videos so i don't just have to take short clips all the time...
Me on Honda, catching Kim on wr. 1:42
Once we got on top, we stopped for lunch.. Tom was looking very closely at Kim's klx.. He was the one who started talking about this bike.. Weeks & weeks we've listened to him wanting a lighter bike.. don't need the power of the honda.. too old to go fast.. time for a change.. Kim must have agreed, because he went out & bought one. However i beat them to it with the wr by a week.

The old strawberry lodge for lunch! We had a nice lunch & talked about the merits of the bikes.
But now it was time to go. I wasn't sure how the videos would turn out, so didn't bother taking any others on the way back.
We got back to Camp Verde, & Tom turned toward prescott. Kim & i headed down fr618 toward sedona. We crossed beaver creek at the ranger station/campground & i got a couple more stills.

I had used my camera to take some pics of stuff i was selling & forgot to raise the resolution.. so all these were 640x480.

Kim on his new KLX.. he's going to have to get all new riding gear!

It was a good ride.. only about 100 miles for me & Kim.. probably double for Tom. My bike needs some suspension tweaks, i found out.. very stiff. Both the honda & the klx were softer.
Now we're gearing up for the Big One. 4 days in N. Az & S. Ut. Probably leave around the 28th. monument valley, navajo reservation, burr trail, halls crossing, smokey mountain trail, hell's backbone.. & more. I should get lots of nice videos, & plenty of stills. I've been looking forward to this ride all year, & we decided today to just do it.
Tom, still thinking about that KLX.. "Hi Paula.. Can i get a new bike?"

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