This was supposed to be an easy on the knee, leisurely ride. I'd like to know who put all those rocks up there on the rim!?
Total of 118mi. ~ 40 paved. 7 hrs, with lunch. Went up old stoneman lake road, past the apache maid mountain/lookout up to cedar flats. All rocky from apache maid to lake mary road.. about 40 miles of boulders, loose rocks the size of basketballs.. some volleyball, lots of softballs.. IOW, we had a ball!

Here's the top by apache maid, before getting into the rocks:

2 drz's & a Husky. This is Kim on the left & Tom on the right.
Some nice rocks to ride through...

Tom's brake bracket was cracked from a ride with some phx hooligans a couple weeks earlier. He couldn't brake coming down this hill, & he adjusted his idle low so the recluse would stay engaged & engine brake.. but it still stalled on this hill.. the only time, though.
Kim had a couple of near drops.. as did i. A rock twisted my wheel sharp & i did a wheelie for a few feet.. came down easy & didn't drop it.. in those rocks, i still don't know how...

Finally we got out of the rocks & onto lake mary road.. about 20 miles to morman lake lodge, gas & lunch!

This was a nice break from the rocks.. easy 50-60 mph, very little traffic, cool pines, great scenery.. a few ranches along the way.. best part of the ride, i thought! Only took 20 min., though.

No one wanted to go back the way we came.. so we took the shortcut through stoneman lake, then back down to the old blue grade to beaver creek road where Tom was trailered.
Kim graciously offered to weld up Tom's bracket, so they went to Kim's for that, while i cleared out.. that sounded like work!!

I was pleased that i didn't crash.. so i'll still be riding for at least another ride.. My new sidi crossfires were great.. light, easy to shift.. comfortable. It was pretty hot by the time we got down to the staging area.. but nice & cool up in the pines. I think i'll try & go up there again.. maybe loop up to long's lake.. very pretty area.


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